The Unique Double Decker Living Root Bridge


Welcome to the enchanting world of the Nongriat Trek Double Decker Living Root Bridge, a destination that beckons nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers alike. Tucked away in the heart of Meghalaya, this trek offers a captivating blend of natural wonders and cultural richness. As you embark on this journey, you’ll discover not just a bridge but a testament to the harmonious relationship between man and nature.

The lush landscapes and challenging terrains of the Nongriat Trek promise an immersive experience, making it a must-visit for those who seek to connect with the untamed beauty of the outdoors. In this guide, we will delve into the intricacies of the trek, from its historical significance to the practicalities of planning your expedition.

Overview of Nongriat Trek

The Nongriat Trek is a mesmerizing odyssey through the unspoiled beauty of Meghalaya. As you traverse the undulating terrains, you’ll be greeted by dense forests, vibrant flora, and the distant sounds of cascading waterfalls. The trek, though challenging, offers a unique opportunity to witness nature’s grandeur in its purest form.

This journey is not just about reaching a destination; it’s about the experiences along the way. From encountering local tribes to navigating hidden trails, every step on the Nongriat Trek is a revelation. The trail leads you to the awe-inspiring Double Decker Living Root Bridge, a living testament to the ingenious collaboration between man and the natural world.

Nongriat Trek Double Decker Living Root Bridge

At the heart of the Nongriat Trek lies the Double Decker Living Root Bridge, a marvel of bioengineering that has stood the test of time. This living bridge is crafted from the aerial roots of ancient rubber fig trees, carefully woven together over decades. The result is a double-decker structure that seamlessly blends with the surrounding environment.

As you stand on this unique bridge, suspended above a pristine river, you can’t help but marvel at the craftsmanship and ingenuity of the local Khasi people. The bridge not only serves as a functional pathway but also symbolizes the sustainable coexistence between humans and nature. It’s a sight that lingers in your memory, a living spectacle that embodies the spirit of the Nongriat Trek.

Where is Double Decker Living Root Bridge?

Nestled in the remote village of Nongriat, the Double Decker Living Root Bridge is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered. To reach this natural wonder, adventurers must navigate the scenic landscapes of Meghalaya, venturing into the heart of the East Khasi Hills. The journey to Nongriat is an integral part of the experience, offering glimpses of local life and the breathtaking beauty that surrounds this secluded village.

The path to the Double Decker Living Root Bridge takes you through dense forests, quaint hamlets, and meandering streams. It’s a pilgrimage for nature lovers, a journey that not only leads to a remarkable bridge but also allows you to absorb the serenity of the untouched landscapes.

The Unique Double Decker Living Root Bridge

The Double Decker Living Root Bridge is not just a physical structure; it’s a living, breathing testament to the symbiotic relationship between humans and nature. The bridge is created by guiding the roots of ancient ficus elastica trees across a river, a process that takes decades to complete. The result is a bridge that not only serves a practical purpose but also becomes an integral part of the surrounding ecosystem.

The unique architecture of the Double Decker Living Root Bridge allows it to withstand the test of time and the forces of nature. Unlike traditional structures that deteriorate over the years, this living bridge grows stronger with each passing day. It’s a remarkable example of sustainable engineering, where nature and human intervention collaborate to create something truly extraordinary.

The Double Decker Living Root Bridge stands as a symbol of Meghalaya’s cultural and ecological heritage. It invites travelers to appreciate the beauty of simplicity and the profound impact of living in harmony with the natural world. As you traverse its wooden planks, suspended high above the river, you become part of a legacy that spans generations.

In the next sections, we’ll explore the trekking experience, the flora and fauna that grace the Nongriat Trek, the local culture and traditions that color the journey, and practical tips for planning your expedition to this natural wonder. Join us on this virtual exploration of the Nongriat Trek, where each step is a revelation and each moment is a celebration of nature’s wonders.

Trekking Experience and Nongriat Trek Difficulty

Embarking on the Nongriat Trek is a thrilling adventure that promises not only scenic beauty but also a test of one’s physical prowess. The trail winds through dense forests, steep inclines, and quaint villages, providing a diverse and challenging terrain for trekkers. The difficulty level is moderate, making it accessible to those with a reasonable fitness level, but the rewards are immense.

The journey unfolds with each step, revealing panoramic vistas, cascading waterfalls, and the distant sounds of nature. Trekkers navigate narrow pathways, cross swaying suspension bridges, and ascend stone steps, all while surrounded by the rich biodiversity of the Meghalayan landscape. The Nongriat Trek is an immersive experience, demanding effort but offering an unparalleled connection with nature.

Flora and Fauna

As you traverse the Nongriat Trek, you’ll find yourself immersed in a biodiversity hotspot. Meghalaya’s forests are home to a variety of flora and fauna, some of which are endemic to the region. Towering trees, vibrant orchids, and exotic ferns create a lush canopy overhead, while the calls of endemic bird species resonate through the air.

Keep an eye out for the elusive red panda, various species of butterflies, and the diverse array of birdlife that inhabits the region. The trek becomes a journey of discovery, allowing you to witness nature’s intricacies and appreciate the delicate balance that sustains this vibrant ecosystem.

Local Culture and Traditions

The Nongriat Trek is not just a physical journey; it’s a cultural exploration. The villages along the trail are inhabited by the Khasi people, who have cultivated a unique way of life deeply connected to their natural surroundings. Engage with the locals, learn about their traditions, and witness the vibrant rituals that mark their daily lives.

The Khasi people, known for their warm hospitality, often welcome trekkers into their homes. This cultural exchange adds a profound layer to the Nongriat experience, allowing you to connect with the human side of this adventure. Respect for local customs, a willingness to learn, and a sense of curiosity will enhance your cultural journey through Meghalaya.

Planning Your Trip

Planning a successful Nongriat Trek requires careful consideration of logistics, accommodations, and safety measures. Begin by understanding the transportation options to reach the trailhead, ensuring a seamless transition from urban centers to the heart of Meghalaya. Choose accommodations in Nongriat that align with your preferences, whether it’s a cozy homestay or a guesthouse nestled in the hills.

Consider the season of your visit, as the weather can significantly impact your trekking experience. The dry months from October to April are generally recommended for a more comfortable journey. Additionally, consult with local guides to enhance your understanding of the trail and gain valuable insights into the best times to embark on this adventure.

In the next sections, we’ll delve into the practicalities of reaching the Double Decker Living Root Bridge, the best time to visit, accommodation options, safety tips, and packing essentials. Join us as we unravel the intricacies of planning a trip to this natural wonder, ensuring a memorable and fulfilling experience in the heart of Meghalaya.

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How to Reach Double Decker Living Root Bridge

Embarking on the journey to the Double Decker Living Root Bridge involves navigating the picturesque landscapes of Meghalaya. The starting point for the trek is often the village of Tyrna, reachable by road from Shillong, the capital of Meghalaya. From Tyrna, the trek leads through dense forests, bamboo groves, and charming hamlets, offering glimpses of rural life in Meghalaya.

As you ascend through the undulating terrains, the distant murmur of waterfalls and the rustling of leaves create a symphony that accompanies your trek. The journey itself becomes an integral part of the experience, providing a sensory feast of sights and sounds that build anticipation for the grand reveal of the Double Decker Living Root Bridge.

Best Time to Visit Double Decker Living Root Bridge

Timing your visit to the Double Decker Living Root Bridge is crucial for an optimal experience. While the trek is accessible year-round, the months from October to April are considered the best. During this period, the weather is relatively dry, making the trails more manageable, and the lush landscapes more vibrant.

The post-monsoon months, from September to November, offer a unique charm with the landscape rejuvenated after the rains. However, the winter months, from December to February, provide a crisp and cool atmosphere, ideal for those who prefer milder temperatures. Regardless of the season, each visit promises a distinctive encounter with the natural wonders of Meghalaya.


Nongriat offers a range of accommodation options catering to various preferences. From homestays run by local families to guesthouses perched on hillsides, trekkers can find a suitable abode to rest and rejuvenate after a day of exploration. Staying in Nongriat allows you to immerse yourself in the local way of life and savor the tranquility of the surroundings.

Booking accommodations in advance is advisable, especially during peak seasons, to ensure availability and a seamless stay. The accommodations become more than just a place to sleep—they become a part of the overall experience, offering insights into the warmth and hospitality of the Khasi people.

Safety Tips

Ensuring a safe trekking experience is paramount when exploring the Nongriat region. Here are some essential safety tips:

  1. Guide Assistance: Consider hiring a local guide who is familiar with the trails, ensuring a smoother and more informed journey.
  2. Proper Footwear: Wear sturdy trekking shoes with good grip to navigate the varied terrains safely.
  3. Weather Awareness: Stay informed about the weather conditions, especially during the monsoon season when trails can become slippery.
  4. Hydration: Carry an adequate supply of water to stay hydrated, especially during the trek’s more challenging sections.
  5. First Aid Kit: Pack a basic first aid kit with essentials like bandages, antiseptic cream, and any personal medications.
  6. Respect Local Customs: Be mindful of local customs and traditions, respecting the environment and the communities you encounter.

In the upcoming sections, we’ll explore packing essentials, tips for capturing the beauty of Nongriat, local cuisines to try, and the importance of environmental conservation. Join us as we continue our journey through the Nongriat Trek, uncovering the nuances that make this adventure truly special.

Packing Essentials

A successful Nongriat Trek requires careful packing to ensure you’re well-prepared for the varied landscapes and potential weather changes. Here’s a checklist of essentials:

  1. Sturdy Footwear: Invest in reliable trekking shoes with good traction to navigate diverse terrains comfortably.
  2. Weather-Appropriate Clothing: Pack layers for varying temperatures. A lightweight, waterproof jacket is essential, especially during the monsoon season.
  3. Backpack: Choose a comfortable and spacious backpack to carry essentials without hindering your movement.
  4. Water and Hydration System: Carry a refillable water bottle or a hydration pack to stay hydrated throughout the trek.
  5. Snacks: Energize yourself with trail mix, energy bars, and snacks to keep your energy levels up.
  6. First Aid Kit: Include basic medical supplies like adhesive bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and any personal medications.
  7. Navigation Tools: Bring a map, compass, or GPS device to navigate the trails confidently.
  8. Headlamp/Flashlight: Ensure you have a reliable light source, especially if you plan on trekking in low-light conditions or camping.
  9. Camera: Capture the breathtaking landscapes with a camera or smartphone to immortalize your journey.
  10. Identification and Important Documents: Carry identification, permits, and any other essential documents in a waterproof pouch.

By packing thoughtfully, you’ll enhance your trekking experience and be better equipped to face the challenges and joys that the Nongriat Trek presents.

Capturing the Beauty of Nongriat

Photography enthusiasts will find Nongriat to be a visual delight. From the ethereal Double Decker Living Root Bridge to the lush greenery and cascading waterfalls, every corner is a photo opportunity. Here are some tips for capturing the beauty of Nongriat:

  1. Golden Hours: Utilize the soft, warm light during sunrise and sunset for magical shots.
  2. Panoramic Views: Capture the vast landscapes with panoramic shots to convey the grandeur of the surroundings.
  3. Details Matter: Zoom in on intricate details like the roots of the living bridge or the delicate petals of endemic flowers.
  4. People and Culture: Document the lives of the locals and their cultural practices, adding a human touch to your visual narrative.
  5. Natural Pools and Waterfalls: Freeze the motion of flowing water or capture the reflections in the natural pools for dynamic shots.

Remember to be respectful of the environment and local communities while capturing your memories, leaving no trace behind.

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Local Cuisines to Try During the Trek

Immerse yourself in the culinary delights of Meghalaya by sampling local dishes during your trek. Here are some must-try cuisines:

  1. Jadoh: A traditional Khasi dish made with rice and meat, usually pork or chicken, seasoned with local spices.
  2. Doh Khlieh: A refreshing pork salad with a mix of onions, green chilies, and local herbs.
  3. Kyat: Indulge in the traditional rice beer, a local favorite that adds a cultural touch to your culinary experience.

Exploring local cuisines not only satisfies your taste buds but also offers a glimpse into the rich culinary heritage of Meghalaya.

In the upcoming sections, we’ll delve into connecting with nature, uncovering hidden gems along the trek, the importance of environmental conservation, the positive impact of tourism on local communities, and conclude our journey through the Nongriat Trek. Join us as we explore the final chapters of this unforgettable adventure.

Connecting with Nature

One of the most profound aspects of the Nongriat Trek is the opportunity to connect with nature on a deep and personal level. As you traverse the lush landscapes, breathe in the crisp mountain air, and listen to the symphony of birdsong, you become part of the ecosystem around you. The trek encourages a mindful presence, allowing you to appreciate the intricate beauty of the natural world.

Take moments to pause and absorb the tranquility of hidden glades, feel the cool spray from cascading waterfalls, and let the earthy scent of the forest ground you. Connecting with nature during the Nongriat Trek is not just about reaching a destination; it’s about immersing yourself in the raw, untouched beauty of Meghalaya.

Hidden Gems

Beyond the well-trodden paths lies a treasure trove of hidden gems waiting to be discovered. These could be secluded waterfalls, lesser-known trails, or breathtaking viewpoints that offer a different perspective of the landscape. Exploring these hidden gems adds an element of surprise and adventure to your trek, unveiling the lesser-explored facets of Meghalaya’s natural wonders.

Local guides often prove invaluable in uncovering these hidden gems, sharing their insights and knowledge of the region. From secret swimming spots to panoramic vistas, these discoveries become cherished memories that set your Nongriat experience apart.

Environmental Conservation

The pristine beauty of Nongriat comes with the responsibility to protect and conserve its delicate ecosystem. Every trekker plays a role in preserving the natural wonders for future generations. Here are some ways to contribute to environmental conservation during the Nongriat Trek:

  1. Leave No Trace: Carry out all waste, leaving the trails as you found them.
  2. Respect Wildlife: Observe animals from a distance and avoid disturbing their natural behavior.
  3. Conserve Water: Use water sparingly and avoid contaminating natural water sources.
  4. Stick to Designated Trails: Straying off marked paths can harm local flora and fauna.
  5. Support Local Conservation Efforts: Contribute to or volunteer with local initiatives dedicated to preserving the environment.

By adopting responsible trekking practices, you become a steward of the natural beauty that makes the Nongriat region so enchanting.

Community Impact

Tourism, when approached responsibly, can have a positive impact on local communities. The villages along the Nongriat Trek route benefit from tourism, providing economic opportunities and cultural exchanges. Engaging with locals, respecting their traditions, and supporting local businesses contribute to the sustainable growth of these communities.

As a trekker, be mindful of your impact on the local environment and culture. Consider purchasing local crafts, hiring local guides, and respecting the customs of the indigenous communities. Your visit can become a force for good, fostering a balance between tourism and the preservation of Meghalaya’s unique heritage.

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As our journey through the Nongriat Trek comes to an end, reflect on the experiences, challenges, and wonders encountered along the way. The Double Decker Living Root Bridge, with its living testament to nature’s resilience, stands as a symbol of the harmonious relationship between humans and the environment.

May this guide inspire you to embark on your own Nongriat adventure, fostering a deep appreciation for the natural and cultural riches of Meghalaya. As you step away from the beaten path and immerse yourself in the heart of this pristine region, may you leave with not just memories but a profound connection to the untamed beauty of the Nongriat Trek Double Decker Living Root Bridge. Safe travels, and may your journey be as enriching as the landscapes you traverse.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is the Nongriat Trek suitable for beginners?

Embarking on the Nongriat Trek requires a moderate level of fitness. While it may pose a challenge for beginners, the experience is immensely rewarding.

Can I visit the Double Decker Living Root Bridge year-round?

Yes, the Double Decker Living Root Bridge is accessible throughout the year. However, the best time to visit is during the dry months from October to April.

Are there guided trekking tours available for the Nongriat Trek?

Indeed, local guides are available to enhance your trekking experience, providing insights into the flora, fauna, and cultural aspects of the region.

What should I pack for the Nongriat Trek?

Pack essentials such as sturdy trekking shoes, comfortable clothing, a first aid kit, and sufficient water. Additionally, carry a camera to capture the picturesque landscapes.

Are there accommodation options in Nongriat village?

Yes, Nongriat offers various accommodation options ranging from guesthouses to homestays, providing a comfortable stay for trekkers.

How long does it take to complete the Nongriat Trek?

The trek typically takes around 3 to 4 hours, but the duration may vary based on individual fitness levels and the chosen route.

Are there any restrictions for trekking in the Nongriat region?

While there are no specific restrictions, it is crucial to respect local customs, avoid littering, and follow responsible trekking practices to preserve the natural environment.

What local cuisines should I try during the Nongriat Trek?

Indulge in Meghalaya’s culinary delights, including Jadoh (rice and meat), Doh Khlieh (pork salad), and Kyat (traditional rice beer) for a truly authentic experience.

Can I swim in the natural pools along the Nongriat Trek?

Yes, many natural pools dot the trekking route, providing refreshing spots for a swim. Exercise caution and ensure the safety of the area before taking a dip.

How can I contribute to environmental conservation during the trek?

Minimize your ecological footprint by adhering to Leave No Trace principles, avoiding single-use plastics, and supporting local conservation initiatives.

What is the best time to visit the Double Decker Living Root Bridge?

The best time to visit is during the dry months, from October to April, when the weather is more favorable for trekking and exploring the natural beauty of the region.

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