Dighalipukhuri Park

When it comes to picturesque urban oases, Guwahati, the largest city in Assam, offers a unique Dighalipukhuri Park.

This enchanting destination combines history, tranquility, and natural beauty, making it a must-visit spot for both tourists and locals.

My recent visit to Dighalipukhuri Park left me utterly enchanted. Tucked away in the heart of Guwahati, this park is a serene oasis that transports you to a bygone era.

The historical significance of the pond, believed to be excavated during the reign of King Bhagadatta, adds a layer of intrigue. As you stroll along the picturesque shores of the massive pond, you’re greeted by the gentle rustling of leaves and the melodious chirping of birds, creating a tranquil ambiance that’s ideal for a peaceful stroll or quiet contemplation.

This article takes you on a virtual journey to discover the beauty, history, and attractions of Dighalipukhuri Park, including essential information such as ticket prices, location, nearby cafes, and more. Let’s dive in!

Dighalipukhuri Park Guwahati: A Hidden Paradise

Dighalipukhuri Park Guwahati: A Hidden Paradise

Dighalipukhuri Park, often referred to simply as Dighalipukhuri, is a pristine urban park nestled in the heart of Guwahati. It’s a serene escape from the city’s hustle and bustle, providing a peaceful retreat for those seeking solace amidst nature. Dighalipukhuri Park is not only a popular destination for tourists but also a beloved recreational spot for Guwahati’s residents. The park provides a perfect setting for family picnics, morning walks, and weekend getaways. It’s a testament to the city’s commitment to preserving its natural beauty.

Dighalipukhuri Lake

The centerpiece of Dighalipukhuri Park is its stunning lake. This man-made lake is a tranquil haven for nature lovers. Surrounded by lush greenery and dotted with lotus blooms, the lake is a serene spot for a leisurely boat ride or a peaceful walk along its shores.

Dighalipukhuri Park Photos

No visit to Dighalipukhuri is complete without capturing its mesmerizing beauty through photographs. The park offers breathtaking views, lush greenery, and a picturesque lake that is perfect for photography enthusiasts. Be sure to bring your camera or smartphone to document your memorable moments.

Location: Where is Dighalipukhuri Park?

Dighalipukhuri Park is strategically located near Pan Bazar in Guwahati, making it easily accessible for both residents and tourists. Its central location means you can incorporate a visit to this tranquil spot into your exploration of the city’s other attractions.

Dighalipukhuri Park: A Visual Delight

One of the park’s most captivating features is its expansive pond, also known as Dighalipukhuri. This large water body is surrounded by lush greenery and lotus plants, creating a stunning backdrop for nature enthusiasts and photographers. It’s not uncommon to see visitors capturing the park’s beauty through their lenses.

Cafes, Restaurants, and Eateries Near Dighalipukhuri: A Culinary Delight

Dighalipukhuri is not only a place of historical significance and natural beauty but also a hub for culinary enthusiasts. The vicinity surrounding Dighalipukhuri Pond is dotted with an array of cafes, restaurants, and eateries that cater to diverse tastes. Whether you’re craving traditional Assamese cuisine, international flavors, or a simple cup of coffee, you’ll find an option to satisfy your palate. These dining establishments not only offer delicious food but also provide an opportunity to unwind and soak in the tranquil ambiance of the area. It’s a culinary journey that complements the serenity of Dighalipukhuri, making it a complete experience for visitors seeking a taste of both history and gastronomy.

Guwahati Dighalipukhuri: A Local Favorite

While Dighalipukhuri Park is undoubtedly a tourist attraction, it also holds a special place in the hearts of Guwahati’s residents. It’s a favored spot for locals to unwind, take a leisurely walk, or enjoy a picnic with family and friends. This local appreciation adds to the park’s authentic charm.

Exploring Dighalipukhuri Park

Exploring Dighalipukhuri Park

Dighalipukhuri isn’t just about its scenic beauty and cafes. For an enhanced visit, the park provides a variety of activities. What you can do is listed below:

  1. Boating: A boat ride on Dighalipukhuri is a must. The calm waters and beautiful surroundings make it a memorable experience. Check with the park authorities for current boating prices.
  2. Nature Walks: The park’s well-maintained paths provide an ideal setting for a leisurely stroll. It’s a chance to connect with nature and unwind.
  3. History: Dighalipukhuri has a rich historical background dating back to ancient times. It’s believed to have been built during the reign of King Bhagadatta of Pragjyotishpura, an ancient city that later became Guwahati. Exploring the historical significance of the park can add depth to your visit.

Dighalipukhuri Park Guwahati: Open or Closed?

Dighalipukhuri Park generally remains open throughout the year. However, it’s wise to double-check the opening hours, especially during holidays or festivals, as these might affect the park’s schedule. Making the appropriate plans for your visit is usually a good idea. The typical operating hours for Dighalipukhuri Park are from 9 AM to 8 PM. However, on a few days each week, the park opens as early as 5:30 AM.

Dighalipukhuri Park Ticket Price

Before embarking on your visit to Dighalipukhuri Park, it’s crucial to know about the ticket prices. As of our last update in September 2021, the entry fee for Dighalipukhuri has increased along with the renaming. Tickets now cost for adults is Rs 20 per person, up from Rs 10. Please note that ticket prices may change over time, so it’s advisable to check the latest rates before planning your visit.

Dighalipukhuri Boating Price

Dighalipukhuri Boating Price

Exploring the serene Dighalipukhuri Lake on a boat is an experience you shouldn’t miss. Boating facilities are available at the park, and the prices for boat rides may vary depending on the type of boat and the duration of the ride. For up-to-date information on boating prices, it’s best to inquire at the park’s ticket counter. But when we visited the Dighalipukhuri price for boatingis Rs.50 per person and if you take the boat driver with you, he will charge extra from boat charges.

Dighalipukhuri: More Than a Park

Beyond its serene beauty and recreational facilities, Dighalipukhuri holds historical significance. During ancient times, this pond served as a crucial water reservoir during battles and as a vital source of water for the city. Its name, “Dighalipukhuri,” literally means a “long pond,” a testament to its historical legacy.

Dighalipukhuri Distance from Railway Station

If you’re arriving in Guwahati by train and wondering about the distance between the railway station and Dighalipukhuri, you’ll be pleased to know that the park is conveniently located. The park is roughly 1 kilometer away from Guwahati Railway Station, making it easily accessible on foot.

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A Glimpse into the History of Dighalipukhuri: Guwahati’s Timeless Water Reservoir

Dighalipukhuri, a name that resonates with the historical legacy of Guwahati, stands as a silent witness to the city’s transformation over the centuries. This sprawling water reservoir, often referred to as Dighalipukhuri Pond, has a rich and storied history that weaves itself into the fabric of Assam’s heritage.

A Glimpse into the History of Dighalipukhuri: Guwahati's Timeless Water Reservoir

Ancient Origins

The origins of Dighalipukhuri date back to ancient times when Guwahati was known as Pragjyotishpura. It’s believed that this massive pond was constructed during the reign of King Bhagadatta, a revered monarch in Assamese history. King Bhagadatta ruled over Pragjyotishpura, an ancient city that would eventually evolve into the modern-day Guwahati.

The King’s Legacy

King Bhagadatta is credited with excavating Dighalipukhuri for strategic and practical purposes. The word “Dighalipukhuri” itself means a “long pond,” aptly describing its vast expanse. The primary function of this pond was to serve as a reservoir of water, ensuring a sustainable supply for the city’s residents during periods of drought or scarcity.

Strategic Significance

Beyond its role as a water reservoir, Dighalipukhuri held strategic importance during ancient battles. King Bhagadatta’s reign coincided with a tumultuous period in Assam’s history, marked by conflicts with neighboring regions. Dighalipukhuri’s proximity to the city center made it a vital resource for defense and sustenance during times of siege or war.

The Reservoir’s Evolution

Over the centuries, Dighalipukhuri underwent various transformations. Its surroundings were adorned with lush greenery, and lotus plants began to flourish on its surface, adding to its natural beauty. The pond became a serene oasis in the heart of Guwahati, offering respite from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Dighalipukhuri in Modern Times

In contemporary times, Dighalipukhuri continues to play a significant role in the lives of Guwahati’s residents and visitors. The park surrounding the pond has been developed into a peaceful urban oasis where people can connect with nature, take leisurely walks, and enjoy boat rides on the tranquil waters.

The Dighalipukhuri War Memorial

The Dighalipukhuri War Memorial

Adjacent to Dighalipukhuri is the Dighalipukhuri War Memorial, a solemn monument that pays homage to the brave soldiers who sacrificed their lives in various conflicts. This memorial serves as a poignant reminder of the valor and patriotism displayed by individuals in the service of the nation.

Preserving the Historical Legacy

Efforts have been made to preserve the historical significance of Dighalipukhuri while adapting it to modern needs. The pond’s conservation is vital not only for its historical relevance but also for its ecological importance. It provides a habitat for various aquatic species and contributes to the city’s biodiversity.

Dighalipukhuri, with its deep-rooted history and serene beauty, remains a cherished landmark in Guwahati. It’s a testament to the enduring legacy of Assam’s past and a place where the past seamlessly blends with the present. As visitors explore the park, take boat rides on the pond, or simply enjoy its tranquil ambiance, they are also partaking in a journey through time, connecting with the vibrant history of Dighalipukhuri, the “long pond” of Guwahati.

Dighalipukhuri War Memorial: Honoring the Valor of Heroes

Adjacent to the park stands the Dighalipukhuri War Memorial, a place that evokes a profound sense of reverence. This monument, with its imposing obelisk and meticulously landscaped gardens, pays tribute to the valor and sacrifices of countless heroes. The experience of visiting this memorial was quite emotional. It’s a place where one can pause and reflect on the immense sacrifices made by soldiers in various conflicts, including World War I and World War II. The names inscribed on the memorial’s walls serve as a poignant reminder of the selflessness and courage displayed by those who served their nation. The Dighalipukhuri War Memorial stands as a testament to the indomitable spirit of the people of Assam and their unwavering commitment to freedom and peace.

Dighalipukhuri War Memorial Honoring the Valor of Heroes

A Place of Reverence

The Dighalipukhuri War Memorial is strategically located adjacent to Dighalipukhuri Pond in the heart of Guwahati. This serene and contemplative space is designed to pay homage to the brave soldiers who gave their lives in various conflicts. It serves as a place of reverence for residents and visitors alike, offering an opportunity to reflect on the sacrifices made for the nation.

The Memorial’s Architecture

The architecture of the Dighalipukhuri War Memorial is both striking and somber. A central obelisk stands tall, inscribed with the names of soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice. The monument is surrounded by beautifully landscaped gardens, providing a tranquil atmosphere for contemplation and remembrance.

The Memorial's Architecture

The Historical Context

The history of Assam is marked by numerous conflicts and wars, each leaving its indelible mark on the region. The Dighalipukhuri War Memorial pays tribute to soldiers who participated in these battles, including those who fought in World War I and World War II. Assam’s contribution to these global conflicts is commemorated here.

World War I

During World War I, Assam played a crucial role as a supply base for the British Indian Army. Thousands of Assamese soldiers served in various theaters of the war, and many made the ultimate sacrifice. The Dighalipukhuri War Memorial honors their memory and service.

World War II

Assam’s involvement in World War II is particularly significant. Guwahati was a key logistics hub for the Allied forces in the Burma Campaign. The city’s airfields, roads, and railways were instrumental in supporting the war effort. The Dighalipukhuri War Memorial recognizes the sacrifices made by soldiers and civilians during this period.

A Place for Remembrance

A Place for Remembrance

The Dighalipukhuri War Memorial serves as a place for both collective and individual remembrance. It is not only a site of historical significance but also a space for families to pay their respects to their loved ones who served in the armed forces. The monument often witnesses poignant moments as family members trace the names of their ancestors on the memorial’s walls.

Community Events

Throughout the year, the Dighalipukhuri War Memorial hosts various events to commemorate national and international days of remembrance. These events draw people from all walks of life who come together to honor the sacrifices made by soldiers in defense of freedom and peace.

Preserving the Legacy

Efforts are continually made to preserve and maintain the Dighalipukhuri War Memorial. The surrounding gardens are meticulously tended, providing a serene backdrop for visitors. Additionally, initiatives are undertaken to digitize records and photographs, ensuring that the stories of the heroes enshrined here are never forgotten.

The Dighalipukhuri War Memorial in Guwahati stands as a solemn testament to the valor, sacrifice, and indomitable spirit of those who have served their nation in times of conflict. It is a place where history converges with contemporary remembrance, allowing visitors to reflect on the sacrifices made by generations of soldiers. As the monument continues to inspire reverence and gratitude, it remains an essential part of Assam’s rich and diverse heritage.

More Related Reading: Exploring the Mystique of Kamakhya Temple in Guwahati 

In Conclusion

Dighalipukhuri Park in Guwahati is a hidden gem that combines natural beauty, history, and culinary delights. Whether you’re a history buff, a nature lover, or simply seeking a tranquil spot to relax, Dighalipukhuri has something to offer everyone. Plan your visit to this enchanting destination and discover the captivating allure of Dighalipukhuri Park in the heart of Guwahati.


Gplus: Dighalipukhuri from the article!

Wiki link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dighalipukhuri


What is the history of Dighalipukhuri?

Dighalipukhuri has a rich historical background dating back to ancient times. It is believed to have been excavated during the reign of King Bhagadatta, who ruled the ancient city of Pragjyotishpura, which later became Guwahati. The pond served as a crucial water reservoir during battles and as a vital source of water for the city.

What is the entry fee for Dighalipukhuri?

The entry fee for adults is Rs 20 per person but when we went the entry fee was Rs.10 per person. Please note that ticket prices may change over time, so it’s advisable to check the latest rates before planning your visit.

What is the new name of Dighalipukhuri?

The renowned tourist attraction in Guwahati, known as ‘Dighalipukhuri,’ has recently undergone a name change and is now referred to as ‘Entartica’ Dighalipukhuri. This change has occurred amidst allegations surrounding the leasing of the tourist site to an external company by the Assam Government.

Is Dighalipukhuri open or closed?

Dighalipukhuri Park is typically open to the public. However, it’s advisable to check the current opening hours and any special closures, especially during holidays or festivals, as these may affect the park’s schedule.

Who dug the Dighalipukhuri?

Dighalipukhuri is believed to have been excavated during the reign of King Bhagadatta, an ancient ruler of Pragjyotishpura (now Guwahati).

Why was Dighalipukhuri built?

Dighalipukhuri was primarily constructed as a water reservoir to ensure a sustainable supply of water for the city during periods of drought or scarcity. It also had strategic significance, serving as a source of water during ancient battles.

Which is the man-made lake in Guwahati?

Dighalipukhuri is one of the prominent man-made lakes in Guwahati. It was excavated during ancient times for various purposes, including water storage and strategic defense.

How long is the Dighalipukhuri?

Dighalipukhuri, as the name suggests, is a “long pond.” It is rectangular in shape and the length of the lake is said to be about half a mile long. While the exact dimensions may vary, it is known for its significant length, which adds to its historical and scenic appeal.

Which king is believed to have dug the Dighalipukhuri located at Guwahati?

King Bhagadatta, who ruled the ancient city of Pragjyotishpura, is believed to have excavated Dighalipukhuri during his reign, making it an integral part of Guwahati’s historical heritage.

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